I found myself googling what is grit? The reoccurring definition I found was mentally tough. Other words that continued to pop up were perseverance and tenacity. Ok now those are terms I can relate to and have been described as my entire life.
Mental toughness is hard I can truly say this only comes after you have been knocked down by life many times. On August 31, 2018 I got a call that would change my life and test my mental toughness forever. I was told my Mom had been found in her home murdered. My Mom and I were very close we spoke almost everyday and she was my biggest cheer leader. The thought of continuing in life without her was devastating but then thinking about her last moments on this earth shook me to my core.
I spent the next six months in what I call robot mode. I did what I was supposed to do, I got up everyday and went through the motions, but I was absent. I was literally a robot. Then one day I woke up, I mean really woke up. I realized I am still here; I am alive, and I must now live my life for both of us. I tell myself this is what she would want. I think this is true mental toughness and perseverance at least my version.
At this point there is no closure on her murder case, and we are not even close to a trial date, but I can’t, and I won’t let the person that murdered my Mom steal anything else from me or my family. Since I have decided to live big enough for both of us, I have really been stepping outside my comfort zone. I have been a guest on over 10 podcasts telling my story of success in my businesses.
I co-authored a cookbook and a business book that are both for sale on Amazon. My husband and I bought a lake house to make as many memories as we possibly can. Life is short and not a single day is guaranteed.
Grit is going to be different for all of us, but if you are showing up and pushing everyday to be your best self and live your best life that is the key. The first step is to decide what grit means to you. For you it may be never missing a workout or to stop procrastinating on projects it doesn’t matter what it is if you are consistent and clear about what you’re going for.
For me I will continue to go bigger and louder in life because I am living for both of us now. My Mom was the original badass I can only hope to leave a legacy even half as amazing as hers.